Thursday, March 17, 2011

Module 1

A learning theory for the masses.
The methods for learning in the digital age continue to grow and expound upon new technology.  Personally I have found that learners tend to excel in environments that promote confidence and participation.  The purpose of the learning theory in educational technology is to establish a framework to develop and implement curriculum that will allow a learner to reach the maximum potential. 
Siemens (2008) defines the critical components of a learning theory define the following: the process for learning, the environmental influences of the learning, the importance of retention, the transfer process and identifies the type of learning that typically support the theory. 
Siemens metaphor of an educator as a Network Administrator would best describe the role that I feel an instructor should take in a digital classroom or workplace. To maximize the potential of learner or employee the instructor should provide resources and tools that allow the individual to carve out their learning or application plan.  The instructor should also be well versed in their field providing resources that will not only provide supporting information but practical information that will support the student or employee success.
Driscoll, M. P. (2005). Psychology of learning for instruction (3rd ed.). Boston, MA: Pearson Education
Siemens, G. (2008, January 27). Learning and knowing in networks: Changing roles for educators and designers. Retrieved from
For Module 1
I responded to the following blogs:


  1. As a network administrator, what do you feel your role should be in limiting access to information?

    Gary Allen

  2. Hello Kathi,

    Your discussion post is great. Your perception of the purpose for the learning theory aligns with Dede (2008) that states “learning technologies focus on how students learn”. I agree with your opinion that instructors must understand how technology devices work and know what media devices are appropriate to achieve the desired learning outcomes with maximum learning potential. What would be your plan to prepare your instructional designers and instructors to design and conduct quality learning for a digital learning environment?


  3. Module one comment for Kathi

    Is the new technology driving education or is education the fuel for technology? Yes. it is true there are many new toys for everyone to play with, but many are not user friendly. I believe the the simplicity which technology provides is the key component. For example, this blog just requires me to type and click on a link. Yet, I am connecting and sharing thoughts with three additional people. Kathi, this is a great blog, but do not forget to add links to other blogs and links for your readers to explore.

  4. Kathi,
    I agree that providing a nurturing learning environment is important, and that the teacher must be well-versed in the topic. I've had the displeasure of having temp teachers who knew nothing about the subject, and were simply "filling in". It's not as enjoyable of a process when this occurs.

  5. A learning theory for the masses AND THE INDIVIDUAL

    Educational technology applies learning theory by designing curriculum and instruction that will allow a learner to achieve academically. We can overcome the problems we face in education today by using technology to address academic achievement for the individual student but, we must consider the role of educational technology in the learning process.

    Learning theory considers the process, environment, retention, and transfer of information. The evolution of educational technology reflects the application of learning theory to meet mandates for innovations in education US Department of Education, Innovation.

    I support Siemens argument that students learn best when provided resources and tools that allow the individual to carve out their learning or application plan. Modern learning theory suggests that digital natives learn best in an environment that promotes creativity (connectivity) Learning Theory for the Digital Age. The information age has changed the process of increasing knowledge and skills for today’s learners. Educational technology shapes the role of the individual student in the family unit, workplace, and global society. Through edutainment, (educational entertainment technology) expression of creativity to increase knowledge acquisition, skill development, and individual enjoyment.
