Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Module 6 Post

Learning in a Digital World
Learning is the manifestation and exchange of information that is used to advance knowledge in a particular research and/or subject area.  Learning should be based on a learning theory that outlines a plan for delivering, interpreting information and predicting the outcome.  Instructors have the responsibility to deliver to create a learning environment that will nurture the students learning process and outcome.  This semester we learned a great deal of the importance of Siemens theory of Connectivism to provide the foundation for learning in the current digital age.
 Technology plays an integral role in learning. We are in a digital age where information and knowledge is desired instantly and technology supports this demand.  Technology expands are network and increases our perspectives.  I believe that students are less inhibited to expressing themselves in an online learning environment.  Working with students across the country with various experiences and philosophies allows broader perspectives and can be more exciting. I found that students that are accustom to online learning are more eager to play and active and leading role in their learning experience.  This is a positive as it mimics real world experiences where taking ownership for your personal goals is the law of the land.  This is also supported by the Constructivist theory principles that self driven learners will learn best.    
Driscoll, M. P. (2005). Psychology of learning for instruction (3rd ed.). Boston, MA: Pearson Education.
Siemens, G. (2004). Connectivism: A learning theory for the digital age. Retrieved from


  1. Kathi,
    I think many of us in the educational program will find Connectivism a part of our mindset as we move forward infusing technology in the digital age. This includes blending f2f learning and online learning simultaneously. This will move us towards moving specifically to online learning. Dewey’s real-world experiences have been crucial in the design and development of instruction forever. I will incorporate much of his philosophies as I move forward in learning my own learning and instructional theories. Good posting.

  2. Kathi

    I agree with your statements about our increasing demand for instant information, but do you think this instant information is building knowledge, or preventing us from truly acquiring knowledge? I have my thoughts on it but I am interested in yours.

    Jamie Washington
